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  1. #441
    Better New Year ốc's Avatar
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    là công dân ở đâu vậy?
    Ừa mắc cười lúc sáng chị tonka bị nhân viên của ICE vịn lại hỏi giấy tờ. Thiệt là chai-đít (childish).

  2. #442
    James Đậu Đậu's Avatar
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    Nghe nói, nhiều nhơn viên ICE, ngày trước, là di dân lậu. Sống nhờ vào lòng tốt của tha nhơn. Bây giờ, họ ngon lành lại từ chối làm người tử tế. Hình như người đời hay nói: "Khi phú phụ bần, lúc giầu sanh tật" thì phải.

    Trăm năm trong cõi nhơn gian.
    Chữ tâm gấp bốn gấp năm chữ tiền.
    Đỗ thành Đậu

  3. #443
    Better New Year ốc's Avatar
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    The Housing of Flying Daggers:

    US military increasingly using drone missile with flying blades in Syria

    The US military is making increasing use in Syria of a gruesome and secretive non-explosive drone missile that deploys flying blades to kill its targets.

    Described as less likely to kill non-combatants, the so-called ninja bomb – whose development was first disclosed last year – has been used a number of times in the last year to kill militants in Syria, including those linked to al-Qaida, most recently earlier this month.

    Officially designated as the Hellfire AGM-114R9X – usually shortened to R9X and sometimes know as the “Flying Ginsu” – the weapon has been increasingly deployed in targeted assassinations by the US Joint Special Operations Command.

    The missile, believed to have been first used in 2017 to kill al-Qaida’s then No 2 leader, Abu Khayr al Masri, in Idlib province, first came to wider attention when its existence was disclosed by an article in the Wall Street Journal last year.

    The weapon uses a combination of the force of 100lb of dense material flying at high speed and six attached blades which deploy before impact to crush and slice its victims.
    Tịch tà kiếm pháp hay Lục mạch thần kiếm?

  4. #444
    Biệt Thự
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    Sách giáo khoa TQ sửa đổi Kinh Thánh, biến Chúa Jesus thành kẻ giết người

    Những năm gần đây, Đảng Cộng sản Trung Quốc (ĐCSTQ) liên tục gia tăng đàn áp bằng bạo lực đối với các tôn giáo. Có thông tin cho rằng, sách giáo khoa do chính phủ biên soạn đã ngang nhiên giả mạo “Kinh thánh”. Tồi tệ hơn nữa chính là, cuốn sách thậm chí còn nói rằng Chúa Jesus đã dùng đá ném chết một người phụ nữ.

    Sách giáo khoa được kể trên là cuốn giáo trình “Đạo đức nghề nghiệp và Pháp luật” để đào tạo giáo dục nghề nghiệp trung cấp do Nhà xuất bản Đại học Khoa học và Công nghệ Điện tử xuất bản. Cuốn sách do Phan Trung Mai, Lý Cương và Tư Bảo Vũ chủ biên và được xuất bản vào năm 2018 sau khi được thẩm định bởi ủy ban biên tập của Bộ Giáo dục Trung Quốc.

    Mục “Câu hỏi và trả lời trong lớp học” trong cuốn sách được biên soạn lại dựa theo câu chuyện cổ về Chúa Jesus “Thương xót người phụ nữ gian dâm” trong cuốn “Phúc Âm John”.

    Nguyên văn của “Kinh Thánh” là:

    Chúa Jesus đứng thẳng dậy và nói với bọn họ: “Trong các vị nếu có ai không mắc phải lỗi lầm thì có thể lấy đá ném chị ta trước”. Khi nghe lời này, thì từ già đến trẻ, họ đều lần lượt ra về, chỉ còn lại mỗi mình Chúa Jesus và người phụ nữ kia vẫn đứng đó.

    Chúa Jesus đứng thẳng dậy và nói với người phụ nữ: “Này thiếu phụ, những người tố cáo chị đi đâu cả rồi? Không ai kết án chị ư?”. Người phụ nữ nói: “Thưa Thầy, không có ai cả”. Chúa Jesus nói: “Ta cũng vậy, ta không lên án chị đâu. Thôi chị cứ về đi, và từ nay đừng phạm tội nữa!”.

    Nhưng sách giáo khoa của ĐCSTQ đã sửa lại đoạn này của “Kinh Thánh” thành:

    Có lần Chúa Jesus nói với đám đông đang tức giận muốn giết chết một người phụ nữ đã phạm tội: “Nếu có ai trong các người không phạm sai lầm, hãy tiến lên và đánh chết cô ta”.

    Nghe lời này, mọi người cũng không tiến lên phía trước nữa. Khi tất cả mọi người đều quay đi, Chúa Jesus lấy đá đánh chết người phụ nữ và nói: “Ta cũng là một tội nhân. Nhưng nếu luật pháp chỉ có thể được thi hành bởi một người không chút tội lỗi, thì luật pháp cũng sẽ chết”.

    Gần đây, một tín đồ đã đăng tải bức ảnh cuốn sách giáo khoa này lên tài khoản công khai WeChat, nói rằng cuốn sách giáo khoa này đã được sử dụng trong một số trường trung cấp chuyên nghiệp, đối với giáo hội mà nói đó là một sự sỉ nhục.

    “Tôi muốn vạch trần nó ra, và muốn mọi người biết rằng ĐCSTQ vẫn luôn cố gắng soán cải lịch sử giáo hội, nói xấu giáo hội, để cho mọi người căm ghét giáo hội chúng ta. Tín đồ Cơ đốc chúng ta nhất định phải ngăn chặn hành vi này của ĐCSTQ”.

    Cũng có bình luận cho rằng sách giáo khoa không chỉ vu khống Chúa Jesus, mà nó cũng ngụ ý rằng các hành vi phi pháp của các nhân viên tư pháp của ĐCSTQ là “là tất nhiên” và “cần được tha thứ”.

    Tờ “Apple Daily” trích dẫn bài bình luận của Lữ Bỉnh Quyền – giảng viên cao cấp của Khoa Báo chí tại Đại học Công giáo Hồng Kông nói rằng, sách giáo khoa trên đã sửa đổi lời nói và việc làm của Chúa Jesus nhằm vu khống Chúa.

    Ông cũng chỉ ra rằng trong lúc ngoại giới đang bàn luận xôn xao về việc chính quyền biên soạn “phiên bản ĐCSTQ” của “Kinh Thánh”, thì có nhà xuất bản đã không thể chờ đợi được nội dung sửa đổi của “Kinh Thánh”, cho nên mới vì chính phủ mà viết lại như vậy.

    Kể từ khi ĐCSTQ thành lập chính quyền đến nay, đã luôn phát động các chiến dịch nhằm đàn áp tín ngưỡng tôn giáo. Sau cuộc đàn áp bạo lực trong thời Cách mạng Văn hóa, ĐCSTQ đã chuyển sang sử dụng những người trong nội bộ hệ thống của mình để xâm nhập và kiểm soát giáo hội, đồng thời liên tục viết lại và bóp méo giáo lý, và cố gắng khiến cho tôn giáo phải phục vụ chính trị.

    Trong những năm gần đây, ĐCSTQ lại chuyển sang sử dụng bạo lực để đàn áp các tín ngưỡng tôn giáo, và các hành động phá hủy niềm tin bằng cách xuyên tạc các học thuyết cũng được tiến hành cùng lúc.

    Nguo^`n :

  5. #445
    Biệt Thự Triển's Avatar
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    Đế chế Cao Mên: Đế Thiên Đế Thích .... Đế Thử

    Magawa the rat wins bravery medal for sniffing out mines

    UK charity PDSA has presented the African giant pouched rat with its Gold Medal for "life-saving devotion to duty." His work helping clear land mines in Cambodia makes him the first rat to win the prestigious award.

    An African giant pouched rat won a prestigious award Friday for his work detecting land mines in Cambodia.

    The UK veterinary charity PDSA awarded Magawa its Gold Medal for "life-saving devotion to duty, in the location and clearance of deadly land mines in Cambodia." He is the first rat ever to win the bravery gong.

    Magawa, 7, has sniffed out 39 land mines and 28 unexploded munitions in his distinguished career.

    He has cleared more than 141,000 square metres (1.5 million square feet) of land, or roughly 20 football pitches, in the southeast Asian country.

    Leftover mines are a legacy of the nation's brutal civil war in the 1970s and 1980s.

    Up to 6 million remain undiscovered, according to data from the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC),

    Mine-clearing NGO the Halo Trust says over 64,000 casualties and more than 25,000 amputees have been recorded in Cambodia since 1979.

    How does Magawa sniff out mines?

    The rodents are taught to detect a chemical compound within the explosives and ignore scrap metal.

    This means they can search for mines more quickly. Once they find an explosive, they scratch the top to alert their human co-workers. The training takes one year.

    Magawa weighs just 1.2kg (2.6lb) and is 70cm (28in) long, making him small enough and light enough to walk over land mines without triggering them.

    He can search the area of a tennis court in less than half an hour, something that would take a human with a metal detector up to four days, according to the Tanzania-based Belgian charity who trained him up.

    Retirement beckons for hero rat

    "Magawa's work directly saves and changes the lives of men, women and children who are impacted by these landmines," PDSA director general Jan McLoughlin was quoted as saying by Britain's Press Association.

    At the ripe old age of seven. Magawa is close to retiring from his heroic work.

    The average life span of a giant African pouched rat is eight years, according to California's San Diego zoo.

    /* src.: Puck Futin

  6. #446
    Biệt Thự Triển's Avatar
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    Why is Singapore falling behind in press freedom?

    Police in Singapore are investigating the New Naratif media outlet, founded by academic and athlete PJ Thum, for publishing unauthorized paid advertisements on Facebook during the July 2020 election campaign.

    Earlier this week, Singapore police briefly detained PJ Thum, the founder and director of New Naratif, in what rights groups say is the latest incident in a series of attacks on free media in the Southeast Asian city-state. The security officials also searched Thum's residence and seized his laptop.

    New Naratif was accused of publishing unauthorized paid advertisements on Facebook during the July election campaign, which, according to the country's Elections Department, constitutes "illegal conduct."

    The media outlet says the broad definition of election activities "effectively criminalizes all political speech during the election period as being illegal," thereby allowing "senior politicians or officials to take selective action against critics and independent media."

    "We reported facts about Singapore and did not engage in electoral activities. In retrospect, I would not have done anything differently," Thum told DW.

    New Naratif's PJ Thum

    The controversy

    New Naratif published 13 posts on social media in the run-up to the July 10 general election. Five of these posts, including a satirical video about Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, were forced to be taken down by authorities. According to Thum, these posts were a combination of "factual articles, videos and comics."

    Some of the ads dealt with the ruling People's Action Party's politics, its alleged lack of transparency and accountability, racial discrimination, and the use of the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA) law.

    "Police were clearly not interested in facts. They just wanted to make me admit that New Naratif deliberately published posts to interfere in elections and that I, as its managing director, was responsible for it," Thum said, adding that he was prepared to fight against the charges.

    "It is a possibility that I will be arrested. The purpose behind this case is to harass and intimidate me. It is likely that they will drag out the investigation for months or even years, a tactic that the authorities have used against other activists."

    Shrinking space for independent journalism

    Launched in 2017, New Naratif has already had several issues with the government.

    Authorities in the city-state have refused to register the company, accusing it in April 2018 of receiving "foreign funding." New Naratif denies the charge.

    "We are being attacked because we report honestly and factually, to the great displeasure of the government," claimed Thum.

    Thum accused the government of curbing press freedoms in the city-state.

    "The entire media industry in Singapore is controlled by the government. The ruling party believes that the media must always support the government and present its viewpoint," he added.

    Singapore drops points in media index

    The Reporters Without Borders (RSF) media watchdog has observed that freedom of press is increasingly under threat in Singapore.

    "Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's government is always quick to sue critical journalists, or apply pressure to make them unemployable, or even force them to leave the country," RSF said in a statement.

    Singapore ranks 158 on RSF's 2020 World Press Freedom Index, down seven spots from last year. It now ranks below every country in Southeast Asia, except for Laos and Vietnam – both single-party communist states.

    Singapore's sharp decline in press freedoms has been linked to a fake news law, which came into force in October last year. Rights organizations say the law allows authorities to muzzle the freedom of press and put restrictions on social media.

    Authorities in Singapore deny allegations that they are restricting the press freedom.

    /* src.: Puck Futin

  7. #447
    Better New Year ốc's Avatar
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    Nước mắt cá... mập:

    Kim Jong-un sheds tears as he delivers rare apology to North Korea over failings

    “Our people have placed trust, as high as the sky and as deep as the sea, in me, but I have failed to always live up to it satisfactorily,” he said, according to a translation of his comments in the Korea Times. “I am really sorry for that.”

    Citing his grandfather and father – North Korea’s previous two leaders – Kim continued: “Although I am entrusted with the important responsibility to lead this country upholding the cause of the great comrades Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il thanks to the trust of all the people, my efforts and sincerity have not been sufficient enough to rid our people of the difficulties in their lives.”

    The address was peppered with ominous words such as “grave challenges”, “countless ordeals” and “unprecedented disasters,” according to media accounts.

    “It is important to look at why he has come to shed tears at such an occasion,” Hong Min, director of the
    North Korea division at the Korean Institute for National Unification, told the Korea Times. “Underneath his message, one can sense that Kim is feeling a lot of pressure on his leadership.”
    Khóc cho qua đi những cực hình
    Nói cho quên đi những tội tình

  8. #448
    Better New Year ốc's Avatar
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    Ông vua thì lại làm vua
    Ông sãi ở chùa lại hốt lá đa
    Bao giờ dân nổ AK
    Ông vua thấy thế chạy ra nước ngoài...
    (AK dao)

    Thai pro-democracy protesters confront royal visit to Bangkok

    Thousands of people took to the streets of Bangkok on Wednesday to call for democratic reforms, including curbs on the power and wealth of the monarchy. Royalist supporters mounted counterprotests, saying they had assembled to welcome King Maha Vajiralongkorn, who is attending a ceremony in Bangkok to mark the end of Buddhist Lent.

    Some scuffles broke out, but the protests were largely peaceful.

    “I’m not afraid of violence. What I’m scared of more is to stay like this for good – the rampant corruptions and poor economy,” said Supatra, an 18-year-old student.

    For months, students have led pro-democracy rallies across the country. Wednesday’s demonstration was particularly tense as it coincided with a visit by the king to Thailand. The king, who was attending a royal ceremony, has been criticised for spending most of his time in Germany.

    “I think we have to reform monarchy and get the institution to be under the constitution. Or we can go [to the] France model,” said one of the protesters, a 19-year-old student who asked not to be named. “The monarchy spends a huge amount of tax money, too. I think politics and the monarchy are closely linked. Even if we amend the charter, the king can still intervene. So I think [reform of] the monarchy and politics should be done concurrently.”

  9. #449
    Better New Year ốc's Avatar
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    Thiết quân luật:

    Thailand uses emergency decree to ban gatherings after Bangkok protests

    Thailand’s government has banned gatherings of five or more people and the publication of news or online messages that could harm national security early on Thursday under an emergency decree to end Bangkok street protests.

    Authorities also arrested leaders of anti-government protests, Arnon Nampa and Panupong Jadnok, early on Thursday, the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights group said. Police made no immediate comment. The Associated Press reported that Parit “Penguin” Chiwarak, another protest leader, was among 20 people held by police.

    It also prohibits: “publication of news, other media, and electronic information that contains messages that could create fear or intentionally distort information, creating misunderstanding that will affect national security or peace and order.”

    Tens of thousands of protesters marched in Bangkok on Wednesday. Protesters who had occupied the space outside Prayuth’s office in Bangkok were cleared by police early on Thursday, a Reuters witness said.
    Mỹ biểu tình giới Thái lan:

    Qua cơn Mỹ cực đến hồi Thái lan.

  10. #450
    Biệt Thự Triển's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ốc View Post
    Qua cơn Mỹ cực đến hồi Thái lan.[/I]

    Thailand's young pro-democracy protesters challenge military and monarchy

    A young progressive movement in Thailand is demanding reform to the country's traditional political structure. They are up against a deeply entrenched alliance between the monarchy and the military.

    When Thailand's premier, Prayuth Chan-ocha, declared a state of emergency in Bangkok on Thursday morning, it was supposed to be the final warning shot towards the pro-democracy protest movement.

    The emergency decree bans gatherings of more than four people. Anyone publishing news or online reports that "harm national security or cause panic" is liable to prosecution.

    However, the pro-democracy movement showed surprisingly little concern. Only a few hours after the "state of emergency" was announced, around 10,000 anti-government protesters had gathered at Ratchaprasong intersection in central Bangkok.

    Shouts of "free our friends" were heard echoing through the capital's popular shopping district.

    The protesters are demanding the release of leading pro-democracy figures, who were arrested at the protest camp outside Thailand's Government House shortly after the state of emergency was declared early Thursday morning.

    The government said the measures were "necessary" to end the rampant street protests and maintain "calm and order."

    Thailand's form of government places the king as head of state, with King Vajiralongkorn officially ruling as a constitutional monarch. True power rests with the prime minister, former army general Prayuth Chan-ocha, who is supported by a built-in majority in parliament.

    Thailand's 'hunger games'

    On Wednesday, a car convoy carrying the Thai royal family crossed through a large group of demonstrators, who flashed the movement's three-finger "hunger games" salute at the queen and her son.

    "We were shouting our slogans at the security force, when the royal limousine suddenly appeared," activist Ekachai Hongkangwan told DW. "We were very perplexed because the official route they announced was totally different."

    In the past, Thais were only allowed to approach the royal convoy on their knees.

    Questioning or defying the Thai monarchy, which used to be more taboo, makes many older Thais uncomfortable. They were taught to adhere to tradition and revere the military and the monarchy.

    "Liberal thought has not fully caught on in Thailand, and at the same time, indoctrination is rather strong. Many adult Thais feel uncomfortable when it comes to the royal family," Micheal Nelson, a political scientist in Bangkok, told DW.

    In addition, people in Thailand are taught from an early age to respect authority and refrain from criticizing people of higher rank. The "Pu Noi," as younger people are called, has to obey the "Pu Yai," the adults, and not to contradict them.

    Rebellious youth challenge the system

    However, Thailand's deeply rooted value system is being rejected by the young protesters, many of whom are less than 25 years old and have been socialized with free access to information online.

    They are up against a bulwark of deeply anchored traditions and social hierarchies, along with the military-aligned government, which came to power in a 2014 coup and has further reduced the space for public criticism.

    The conflict also seems to be increasingly taking place in Thailand's schools. According to a survey by the media faculty of Silpakorn University, there were 115 cases of assault and harassment by teachers against rebellious students in August and September. Further surveys on the issue are underway, faculty said.

    Support from Germany?

    Thailand's pro-democracy activists can hardly expect support from Southeast Asian countries, some of which do not want a spotlight on their own authoritarian governments, and also reject interference in the affairs of other countries within the framework of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).

    However, the protesters have caught the attention of Germany's Greens. Last week, Green party parliamentarian Frithjof Schmidt asked German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas if ongoing negotiations over free trade agreement with Thailand could again be put on ice if the political situation does not improve. Maas replied that it was "an option to work towards this in the EU."

    Germany currently holds the rotating presidency of the EU Council.

    "We are currently planning further parliamentary initiatives on the situation in Thailand and how the federal government will deal with it," Schmidt's research assistant, Laura Brehme, told DW.

    "We are very grateful for the support from Germany," said a student protester in Bangkok, while a black, red and golden flag waved behind him.

    'Brainwashed' protesters

    For supporters of the military and the monarchy, "interference" from the West confirms an existing resentment towards Thailand's traditional political structures.

    Many of the "ultra-royalists" are convinced that these inexperienced "children" do not possess the energy and initiative to challenge Thailand's ruling structures on their own.

    They wildly assume there is some force in the background conspiring to brainwash youth on social media, be it opposition politician Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, or foreign powers from the West.

    When an old photo of the US ambassador in Bangkok together with student protest leader Parit Chiwarak surfaced last month, royalists put pressure on the US embassy until it had to declare in writing that "the United States government does not fund or support any protests in Thailand."

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