View Full Version : Third San Francisco Vietnamese American Poetry & Art Festival

04-24-2012, 12:04 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/p480x480/561335_10150668877962587_525962586_9645309_1041319 859_n.jpg

This weekend, the Diasporic Vietnamese Artists Network (DVAN) and the API Cultural Center- San Francisco (Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center, or APICC) present the Third San Francisco Vietnamese American Poetry & Art Festival, a premiere showcase for Vietnamese American writers and artists. The event is scheduled for Saturday, April 28, 2012, at the African American Arts and Culture Complex from 7-9 pm (762 Fulton Street, San Francisco).

Hosted by Andrew Lam (NPR commentator), the festival features nationally recognized writers and artists from around the United States. They include spoken word artists Bao Phi (National Poetry Slam finalist), Fong Tran and Sahra Vang Nguyen; poet Nguyen Do with Paul Hoover, and famed writers Andrew Pham (“Catfish and Mandala”) and Aimee Phan (“We Should Never Meet”). Bao Phi will be reading from his new book of poem "Song I Sing" and Aimee Phan from her new novel "The Reeducation of Cherry Truong." The program will conclude with a performance by Cai Luong artist Quang Chanh.

A reception will follow the reading featuring artworks by Binh Danh, Christine Nguyen, Truong Tran, Trinh Mai and Khoi Nguyen.

Please attend if you are in town! Cost: $10 for students and $15 for general public.

For additional details and information please contact the festival organizers Isabelle Thuy Pelaud (ipelaud@sfsu.edu), Thang Dao (thangdao@usc.edu) or Rebekah Chung (rebekahc@mail.sfsu.edu).

04-24-2012, 05:50 AM
Ở trong Phố mình thì ngày nào cũng là Poetry & Art Festival, chả mất tiền vào cửa, cũng chả phải bay sang tận Frisco (nếu không có một cái cớ để được bay).

04-25-2012, 09:14 PM
và cái cớ tuyệt nhất nhất là ...vé máy bay đại hạ giá thì tha hồ mà book và bay tứ tung?!? :D