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02-14-2015, 11:00 AM
Friends, family, supporters and fans of Doan Van Nghe Dan Toc LaSan,

Due to the overwhelming support of the Mung Tet At Mui and 25th Anniversary production last weekend, we are soooooo excited to announce that the group is seriously looking into the possibility of putting on another show, and SOON!

Yup, you heard it right! We are looking into having another production this BLACK APRIL to commemorate the 40th anniversary of "The Fall of Saigon" and pay tribute to the hundreds of thousands of South Vietnam soldiers and people who lost their lives defending the freedom that we all enjoy today.

If you or any individuals, businesses or organizations you know would like to sponsor this memorable production, please message us ASAP. We have 3 weeks to come up with the funding and secure the theater (payments are required upfront).

Please spread the words. We can't wait to hear from you!

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