View Full Version : Create Slide Show with your own music then share the clip on instagram, youtube ...etc

08-17-2019, 05:18 PM
on iPhone:


08-17-2019, 05:20 PM
on iPhone:


08-17-2019, 05:28 PM
on Android phone:


08-17-2019, 05:31 PM
on Adroid phone:


08-17-2019, 06:04 PM
on Computer: load pictures, load music, create then download or share the video clip

==> https://www.pholody.com/editor


08-17-2019, 06:20 PM
on Computer with OS Windows 10: click and go!


08-17-2019, 06:35 PM
... and finally .... Hey!

That's here is totally free and it is 10³ better then putting your voice on the "box.net" plattform.

Youtube is large, stable and watchable from anywhere (on computer, on phone)

How to Upload a Video to YouTube
(from WkiHow)

Want to be able to share your videos with friends, family,
and perfect strangers? Uploading videos to YouTube is
a quick process from either your mobile device or from
your computer. Follow this guide have your video online
and attracting viewers in just a few minutes.


Copy the video from your camera to your computer. Before you upload the video to YouTube, make any edits that you would like, and then make sure that it is converted into a proper format. There are a wide variety of programs and websites that can convert video for free. YouTube accepts the following formats:

.AVI (Audio Video Interleaved)
.3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project)
.MOV (QuickTime Movie)
.MP4 (Motion Picture Experts Group Part 14)
.MPEG or .MPG (Motion Picture Experts Group)
.FLV (Adobe Flash)
.M4V (h.264)
.WMV (Windows Media Video)


Log in to your account. Each account has its own channel attached to it. Sign in to the account that is associated with the channel that you want to upload the video to.


Click the Upload button on the top of the homepage. It is located to the right of the Search bar. Then click "Upload video" in the menu that appears.

Choose a video file. Click the “Select files to upload” button to open a file browser. Find the file or files that you want to add. You can also drag and drop videos into the square in the web browser window.

Click the Open button. If your account is unverified, you are limited to 15-minute uploads. You can upload longer videos by verifying your account via text message. You can find the verification link in the Upload page.

You can upload directly from your webcam instead of uploading a pre-existing video. You can preview the recording before you upload.
Once you open the file, the video will begin uploading automatically. You will be taken to a page where you can enter the information for the video.

Enter the details. Required information includes the title of the video, the description of the video, and any tags that you want to add.

Adding a description to your video will allow for others to learn more information about it, which will display at the bottom of the video. To help your video stand out, add a unique description and don’t just copy the title into the description box.
Tags allow other YouTube users to see your video by linking common words associated with your video (e.g. Dancing Elephants has a tag of "elephants," "dancing," and "funny"). Other videos with similar tags will often be seen together in the "Recommended videos" sidebar.
Annotations allow you to add notes or pauses to the video that you may have forgotten to put in. These can allow the viewer to see additional information about your channel, for example, without having to read the description.

Choose Privacy settings. Public videos can be searched for and viewed by anyone. Unlisted videos are only accessible to people who know the video link. Private videos are unlisted and can only be viewed by viewers that you designate. These users need to have a Google account to access the video.

Share your video if you want. You can share your video on Google+, Facebook or Twitter, or you could send your friends the video link. Check the box next to each service that you want to share with.

Choose to monetize your video. Click the Monetization tab and check the Monetize box to place ads on your video.

Adjust any advanced settings. Click the Advanced tab and review the options. You can choose to disable the comments, disable video responses, change rights ownership, choose to notify your subscribers, and more.

Choose a thumbnail photo for the video to let other YouTube users see a quick overview image of what they should expect to see in your video. YouTube finds locations where the filming stopped for several seconds and takes a quick snapshot and allows you to use these clipped images for your videos. This is mandatory, but YouTube helps you out by selecting the very first clip at near the beginning of the video. Click a new clip's image to change its thumbnail.

08-17-2019, 06:37 PM
Hit Save. Your title, description, etc. will be saved when your video has completed uploading. When the bar fills, you have posted a video on YouTube.

Once your video has been uploaded, you can embed it on your website or share it online.

===> From Mobile?
===> https://www.wikihow.com/Upload-a-Video-to-YouTube