Tha phương cầu an:

Escaping Putin’s Russia

“My husband left Russia for Kazakhstan five days after Putin’s mobilisation announcement with just a backpack carrying his toothbrush, warm clothes, peanuts, chocolate bars and water.

“During his 24-hour journey to Kazakhstan, he ate just one Snickers bar. He was too nervous, scared he wouldn’t be let through. I was on the phone to him all the time – I felt like I was there with him. It was very stressful for both of us. He also took his work laptop – he works remotely and his employer doesn’t know he’s left Russia.

“Every day I’m here I’m in pain, and I can’t be without my husband. But I’m hoping we will be able to come back within two years.”
Thuở trời đất nổi cơn gió bụi
Khách má hồng nhiều nỗi truân chuyên
Putin yên ổn ngồi trên
Đòi dân ra trận cho nên nỗi này
Trống Hồng trường lung lay bóng nguyệt
Khói Kremlin mờ mịt thức mây
Russians gươm súng trao tay
Nửa đêm truyền lịnh định ngày xuất chinh
Nước thanh bình ba mươi năm cũ
Áo treillis lam lũ từ đây
Putin sớm giục đường mây
Chiến tranh là mệt vạ lây mắc rầu…
(Chinh phụ Nga)